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ViajaBox: The Best Order Redirector in the USA

ViajaBox: The Best Order Redirector in the USA


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An order redirector is a great option for you who want to shop in other countries, especially in the USA where the best and most exclusive products imaginable are.

There are several companies that offer this service such as ViajaBox, USCloser, Weget2u, Zip4me, and others that are equally famous and well established.

And because there are so many options, choose the one that offers the best prices together with excellent support so that you can always count on the company in each step of an import.

Customer service is one of the biggest differentiators of any company – if not the biggest! To analyze a redirector’s standard of service, you can send an email, trigger WhatsApp and evaluate response times and their quality, such as the content of these responses, whether there is cordiality, and what level of attention they pay to your question or problem.

ViajaBox Redirector

For years, ViajaBox has presented itself as the best option for redirecting orders from the USA because it has vast experience in the business.

The company prioritizes a relationship of trust with its customers, providing a shipping service with excellence from the receipt and treatment of the products to the moment of shipment.

ViajaBox also provides extra benefits that include the points program where you can get discounts on shipping and the affiliate system through which you can earn money – IN DOLLAR.

An order redirector works as follows:

  • You register on the site, and after that you will have an address in the United States, and in this address will be your suite: the place where your products will be stored;
  • When buying from an American online store, you will use the redirector’s address as your shipping address;
  • After your products arrive at the company’s warehouse, they will be weighed, photographed, and registered in your account so that you can view them one by one, separately;
  • Finally, you should create your shipment on your redirector’s website and it will forward your order to your address;
  • Some companies such as the redirector ViajaBox also offer some advantages, such as free storage of your orders for a term ranging from 60 to 90 days, usually;
  • Once this time frame is exceeded, there is a cost for a product to remain in storage. That is why it is important to check the free deadline of the company you choose to use;
  • Sending products from multiple stores in one box just to decrease volume, make the order more discreet, and reduce shipping fees where possible.

To Consider

There are a few points that need your attention when choosing an order redirector.

Evaluate the shipping costs, which can be simulated in advance on the companies’ websites. See below the ViajaBox redirector shipping simulator:

Always calculate the total cost of an import before you make your purchase, taking customs duties into consideration.

At first the redirection process is simple. But faced with some common questions, you can consult other enlightening articles about importing and redirection here on the ViajaBox Blog.

Which is – without a doubt – the best and most reliable company in the business. ViajaBox has been in business since 2016 and has the credibility to talk about redirection.

In summary, parcel forwarding is the best solution for making your imports from the United States to your country. And if you need a totally personalized service, contact us through our WhatsApp, where a team is ready to talk directly to you, person to person.

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