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    Discover the measures of clothes and shoes in the U.S. and how to import them to Brazil with Viajabox

    If you are thinking about buying clothes and shoes in the USA, it is importantto know how the measures work there and how to convert them to the Brazilian system. Beyondof this, a good option to import your products is […]

    Import Theories, Tutorials

    Get to know 3 specific tools to save on imports

    Introduction Import savings always come to mind when we think about the reasons why we buy from the United States, and we understand why so many people decide to become importers. Through this activity, we have access to items that […]

    Importer's life, Stay tuned, Tutorials

    How a parcel forwarder can help you manage your imports and shipments with “My Post Office

    “Having a registration in this environment of the Post Office website is more than important, it is fundamental for, in some cases, an import to be completed” Parcel forwarding is a service offered by ViajaBox that unites economy, agility, and […]

    Creative Import, Tutorials

    How to import iPhone from USA to Brazil with the help of ViajaBox in 6 steps

    If you are wondering how to import an iPhone from the USA to Brazil, you can rest assured. With the help of an order redirector like ViajaBox, the whole process becomes easier and safer. In this article, we will show […]

    Import Theories, Tutorials

    Assisted Buy – 6 reasons to use it in your imports

    Understand how using the assisted purchasing feature can be advantageous to your import Assisted Buy is one of the most convenient ways to buy on an American website. Because the purpose of it is precisely to uncomplicate the process of […]

    Stay tuned, Tutorials

    How to import Video Games in 3 steps

    In this article, ViajaBox shows you how and why it is so advantageous to import video games It is clear that consoles only tend to get more and more modern and popular. With each passing year, we are amazed at […]

    Import Theories, Importer's life, Tutorials

    10 Tips on How to Import from the USA

    How to Import from the USA Importing products from the United States can be a great way to have access to a wider variety of products and more competitive prices. However, importing can also be a complicated process, especially if […]

    Importer's life, Importing PROFIT

    Is it worth importing from the United States to sell in Brazil?

    In this article, we will look at some important points about selling imported products Importing is definitely a great opportunity to have your own business. Selling imported goods in Brazil can be the source of income you were missing, and […]

    Creative Import, Stay tuned

    10 American websites for shopping: check out the best options!

    Want to shop in the United States, but don’t know where to start? In this article, we will introduce some of the best American sites for shopping and also explain why you should have the ViajaBox redirector as the best […]

    Creative Import, One Step Ahead

    4 reasons why you should import children’s clothing at Carter’s

    In this article, you will see some remarkable advantages of importing from Carter’s, a leading American store in this segment Introduction Carter’s Carter’s is an American brand known for its line of clothing and accessories for babies and children, including […]