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    Creative Import, Import Master, Importer's life

    3 banks that help you save money when importing from the United States

    ViajaBox gives you tips on some banks with very advantageous rates for your imports Importing from the United States is already a widely popular activity among the Brazilian public, and one thing that not every importer knows is that there […]

    Importer's life, Tutorials

    Why is PayPal one of the Best Import Tools?

    In this article ViajaBox explains why PayPal is an indispensable tool when it comes to making your imports. At the end, we leave a short tutorial for you to open your account without complications. If you have heard of a […]

    Creative Import, Importer's life, Stay tuned

    The 8 best months of the year to shop in the USA

    How you can shop for year-round savings on your imports by following Uncle Sam’s calendar Sam’s calendar Doing your shopping in the USA has never been so easy! We know that the American calendar has many commemorative dates. Of course, […]